Upacara Garebeg
Garebeg Ceremony
Ada kemungkinan bahwa upacara Garebeg berasal dari tradisi Jawa kuno yang disebut Rajawedha. Selama upacara Rajawedha, Raja Demak biasa memberikan sedekah untuk perdamaian dan kemakmuran di Kerajaan. Praktik Rajawedha yang berasal dari tradisi Hindu dimodifikasi sedemikian rupa sehingga menjadi sarana penyebaran Islam.
Hari ini, upacara Garebeg rutin diadakan oleh Kesultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat dan dianggap sebagai salah satu upacara terpenting sepanjang tahun. Kesultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat menyelenggarakan tiga upacara Garebeg setiap tahun: Garebeg Sawal pada tanggal 1 Sawal (bulan Idul Fitri), Garebeg Besar pada tanggal 10 Besar (bulan Idul Adha), dan Garebeg Mulud pada tanggal 12 Mulud (bulan maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW).
Setiap Garebeg, Kesultanan Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat melepaskan Gunungan (gunung) besar makanan, melambangkan hubungan erat antara Sultan dan rakyat. Gunungan disiapkan di Kompleks Dalam Kraton, dan kemudian dibawa melalui Sitihinggil Lor, turun ke Pagelaran, lalu keluar menuju Alun-alun Utara, Gunungan Kakung tersebar di Masjid Agung, Puro Pakualaman, dan Kepatihan.
It is likely that the Garebeg ceremony originated from an ancient Javanese tradition called Rajawedha. During Rajawedha ceremony, the King of Demak used to give alms for peace and prosperity in the Kingdom. The practice of Rajawedha, originating from the Hindu tradition, was modified in such a way that it became a means of spreading Islam.
Today, Garebeg ceremony is regularly held by Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat and is considered as one of the most important ceremonies throughout the year. The Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat conducts three Garebeg ceremonies each year: Garebeg Sawal on the 1st of Sawal (the month of Eid-al Fitr), Garebeg Besar on the 10th of Besar (the month of Eid al-Adha), and Garebeg Mulud on the 12th of Mulud (the month of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday).
Each Garebeg, the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat releases a Gunungan (a big ‘mountain’ (gunung) of food, symbolizing a close relationship between the Sultan and the people. The Gunungan are prepared in the Inner Complex of the Kraton, and then carried through the Sitihinggil Lor, down to the Pagelaran, then out towards the Northern Square. The Gunungan Kakung are distributed at the Great Mosque, Puro Pakualaman, and Kepatihan.